Kleine Detail Holzschnitzmesser

C7 – Holzschnitzmesser zum Detailschnitzen

Zwischensumme: $13.00
  • Garantierter Sicherer Checkout
  • Gesamtlänge – 160 mm (6,3 Zoll)
  • Länge der Schneide – 40 mm (1,57 Zoll)
  • Grifflänge – 105 mm (4,13 Zoll)
  • Griffmaterial – Eschenholz

Das C7-Holzschnitzwerkzeug eignet sich perfekt für feine Schnitz- und Detailschnitzereien, Schnitzereien, Kunsthandwerk und Holzbearbeitung. Mit diesem Messer kannst du Skulpturen, Netsuke und andere Holzarbeiten detailliert bearbeiten. Das Tranchiermesser schneidet sehr gut in Hohlräumen. Seine Schneide ist zudem langlebig und ermöglicht das Schneiden von Harthölzern wie Eiche oder Walnuss. Es ist sowohl für Rechts- als auch für Linkshänder konzipiert. Der Schnitt des Schnitzmessers ist glatt und glänzend. Dank der präzisions-gefertigten Klinge und dem ergonomisch geformten Griff des C7 kannst du ganz einfach wunderschöne Kunstwerke schaffen. Mit diesem Messer schaffst du mit jedem Schnitt die perfekte Balance zwischen Kontrolle und Kraft!

Kleine Detail Holzschnitzmesser

C7 – Holzschnitzmesser zum Detailschnitzen

$0.00 $13.00

C7 – Holzschnitzmesser zum Detailschnitzen

$0.00 $13.00

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Customer Reviews

Based on 124 reviews

Awesome tool! One of my favorites :)

Ohio carver

I am a novice carver, only carving for a couple of years. I belong to a craving group and I am the only carver using Beavercraft knives. The carvers in the group have a tendency to insist that the only good carving knife is a custom made knife by a private dealer. That is a load of BS! I really like my knives, they came sharp and are very easy to sharpen. Basically outstanding knives!
I wish that Beavercraft would make micro gouges,. If they would, I would certainly try them out. If you have an interest in carving and would like a good knife, I would suggest trying out Beavercraft! I feel you will be happy with them.
Buying a set of five, may appear to save money, but I suggest buying individual knives. Sets may contain knives you may never or seldom use.

W. Frank Agee
Great tool

I really like this tool. I especially like the shape of the handle. Very comfortable. I love Beaver Craft.

Fairly good

Not as sharp as I expected but will sharpen up. I like the handle


Chi ha pensato di inserire un paio di cerotti nella confezione merita un aumento di stipendio, senza se e senza ma :DIl coltello compie il suo lavoro egregiamente, lo consiglio vivamente

Simpel und sofort nutzbar

Aus der Packung rasiermesserscharf, liegt gut in der Hand, optimale Schneidengeometrie für präzises Schnitzenniedlicher Bonus: In jeder Beavercraft-Packung zwei kleine Wundpflaster ,-)

Kirby Kroon
Super value!

For the price I paid, this is a lovely little knife! On sale when I bought it and I thought for the price I couldn't go wrong! It is well made and comfortable, for a male I have smaller hands and it feels good in the hand. Have not yet had occasion to sharpen it (nicely sharpened out of the box!), but i expect that it will be easy to maintain a good edge on it.

Well made.

Comfortable handle, arrived sharp, feels sturdy.

Good tool

razor sharp, works very well. I highly recommend for beginners

Bruce Collins
How was the value for the money?

I like to buy the kits so that I have ideas and it comes with the wood but I do buy tools two or three times a year. I always buy this brand. I don’t feel guilty if I drop them or damage the blades I think we all should use these well-made Ukrainian tools, support, Ukraine.