Wooden bird how to carve
Comfort bird what is
DIY Gift for Kids Beginners
DIY Gift for Kids Beginners
DIY Gift for Kids Beginners
DIY Gift for Kids Beginners
DIY hobby gift for Kids Beginners

DIY01 –Vogel Schnitzset - Starter-Schnitzset für Anfänger, Jugendliche und Kinder

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Zwischensumme: $34.99
  • Garantierter Sicherer Checkout
  • Starter-Set für Anfänger und Neueinsteiger
  • Auch für Kinder geeignet
  • Enthält alle benötigten Tools + Tutorial
  • Perfektes Geschenk für Beginner
  • Gewicht – 0,5 kg

Wolltest du schon immer mal etwas schnitzen und hast dich nicht getraut oder du wusstest nicht, welches Werkzeuge du benötigst?
BeaverCraft schafft hier Abhilfe - Mit unserem Starter-Set erhältst du eine komplette Box mit allen Materialien und Utensilien, die du für das Schnitzen eines süßen, kleinen Vogels benötigst. Eignet sich auch ideal als Geschenk für Kinder, Jugendliche und Neueinsteiger.

Egal, ob du ein begeisterter Holzschnitzer bist oder ein neues Hobby ausprobieren möchtest, dieses BeaverCraft DIY01 Comfort Bird Schnitz-Set ist die beste Wahl. Erstaunlicherweise passt alles, was man für einen kreativen Impuls braucht, in ein Kit. Was könnte mehr Spaß machen, als kreative Schnitzprojekte umzusetzen und sich durch deine Kreationen auszudrücken? Du kannst sogar Schnitzsitzungen mit deinen Freunden vereinbaren, damit das Schnitzen mit deinen Lieben noch mehr Spaß macht.

Das BeaverCraft DIY01 Komplett-Set für Neueinsteiger enthält alles, was du brauchst, um sofort mit dem Schnitzen zu beginnen. Hier findest du zwei Holzklötze (Kirsche und Linde), ein Schnitzmesser mit perfekt scharfer Klinge, eine Comfort Bird-Schablone, wichtige Schleifutensilien (Lederriemen und Polierpaste), Sicherheitsband und drei Arten von Schleifpapier. Zusätzlich zu diesem Zubehör erhältst du eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Videoanleitung und eine leicht verständliche Anleitung zum Vogelschnitzen. Alles wird mit Bedacht gemacht, damit ein Holzschnitzer jeden Alters (Kind oder Erwachsener) das Beste aus dem Schnitzen einer Vogelfigur aus Holz herausholen kann.

Wooden bird how to carve

DIY01 –Vogel Schnitzset - Starter-Schnitzset für Anfänger, Jugendliche und Kinder

$49.99 $34.99

DIY01 –Vogel Schnitzset - Starter-Schnitzset für Anfänger, Jugendliche und Kinder

$49.99 $34.99

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Customer Reviews

Based on 181 reviews
A great place to start!

I loved that the kit came with everything I needed. The bandage was a nice touch - even if I didn't end up needing it, I got a good laugh! This was my first attempt at woodcarving, and it has me hooked.

The video instructions are good, although a bit more detail at the end about shaping would be helpful. The Beavercraft folks put out some excellent content on YouTube, so I'm hopeful this kit's video is up for a refresh.

A couple of suggestions for the product itself:
-Explicitly suggest people start with the basswood in the instructions
-Make sure all the sandpaper says the grit on the back (since it's pieces from a sheet, not every piece has the grit on it)
-Let folks know that they will need to strop more frequently when carving the cherry blank


Comes with more carving stuff than i thought it would. Great little kit.


Comes with the stencils

Wayne BrintonWayne Brinton
Sharp and made the Comfort Bird, thanks

Great just started a new hobby at 70, nice

Lynn Murphy

I bought this as a gift for my adult son. He has expressed an interest in woodworking. He enjoyed it. Product came out very nice.

jeanne bundy
Great for beginners

Very easy to follow, everything you need is in the kit, highly recommend,

Ashli C
Love it!

Whittling this bird will be a slow process for me, but everything I need to learn how and complete the project is in the box.

Very fun

Purchased as a gift for my girlfriend who loves amateur wood working and she loves it

S. A. WolzS. A. Wolz
Everything you need in one box!

I’ve been carving on and off for a year now so I’m still pretty new to the hobby. I’ve made some lighthouses (lighthomes? Lol), hearts, a ball in a cage, a crappy spoon, and a small fox. Easier things to practice the cuts and learn the patience. They’re not perfect carvings by far, but I made them and I’m pretty proud of them :) I’ve been eyeballing this comfort bird kit for a while and finally bought it. It looks easy enough, right? The kit includes two wood blocks, the carving stencils to glue on, a strop, the compound for the strop, sandpaper, a step by step booklet, finishing wax, bandages, wrap, a knife, and probably a thing or two I’m forgetting.While they do sent tape for wrapping fingers, I’d suggest wearing some gloves as well. When I was still very, very, very new to this I cut myself pretty good through the tape and had to go to the ER. My mistake was not reading the wood grain and knowing when to turn the wood so i hit a chunk and the blade skipped to my thumb and you can figure out the rest. Gloves would offer an additional level of protection.If you’re new to the hobby, be warned that their tools come to you sharp as heck! Take your time, get to know how the wood grain runs while you’re carving, make sure your fingers are protected, and you’re ready to go!

Robert Cahill
Can be dangerous

During my first session with this product I had so much trouble with cutting the wood. The knife would get jammed and twice I slice myself straight through the provided protective wrap. I figured it was me being a novice. I kept trying after a lot of struggling I managed to make something that looked like a bird.I was really discouraged and almost gave up on the hobby. As I was looking for tips and tricks to make the second block easier I came across a YouTube where a more advanced person tried out the kit. They complained about how hard the wood was. I ended up getting wood to try from another vendor and it was so easy.