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Completed Whittling Kits for Beginners – Everything Included in a Box

by Roman Law 15 Sep 2021 6 Comments

Completed sets for beginners

When only beginning your carving way, finding best beginners wood carving tools or proper wood is quite exhausting – you have no clue yet about what you are doing, but you already need to make some decisions in order to start, that’s not reassuring in the slightest.

Whittling tools for beginners are different and still require some sorting from you, especially if you are thinking of getting something more than an actual knife, for example, some chisels or other detail tools. That’s why the community is blessed with such a great thing as a wood whittling set for beginners

Carving Dala Horse

It is amazing, really, that somebody else can make these decisions for you, you only have to trust their judgment. Here at BeaverCraft, we’re more than happy to prove how reliable we are in making that call for you and provide you with the greatest quality whittling set for beginners online and offline to make sure you know where to start and are not afraid to make this big step to the destination of learning. Thankfully, there is quite a lot of whittling kit for beginners review on the Internet and you can be certain that a lot of people are satisfied with our products – just read them!

What is a whittling set for beginners?

Wood Whittling Set for beginners is a great mix of everything and a little extra you might require to start off your journey. It’s made to simplify entering carving hobby for you and delete one more worry that might scare you off of trying. That’s why we are always very careful with our starter kits and are always looking for more things to add and more fun kits to explore with you. If you have any suggestions – welcome! We like to grow together and help you grow as a carver while we grow as a manufacturer and service supplier.

whittling set what included

In BeaverCraft we have various options for you. Whittling set for beginners spoon – helpful if what you’re aiming for is starting with spoon carving exploring, chip carving set – if you want to start with some chip carving, geometric knives set helpful for chip and relief carving, some whittling set for beginners that include knives only, or knives and chisels, or knives, chisels and wood. Such diversity will help you select the most suitable kit for yourself or your loved one if it’s a gift. So roam through our stock, find out what we have, and think what you’d like to get as the most useful thing. The choice is yours, we are ready to answer your questions and provide the best explanations at your request.

How to use a wood whittling kit for beginners?

Whittling set for beginners tips by BeaverCraft can be easily provided through chat in our social media or tutorials and tips that we publish on our YouTube channel and on Instagram or Facebook where we post useful information daily. The tutorials on YouTube come out once a week, they are usually step-by-step instructions on carving something, in particular, using the tools and reviewing them. We’re always open to communication and will gladly answer your questions, help with difficult carving moments or accept your requests on which tutorial to do next. BeaverCraft is happy to be useful!

how to use tools

Our goal is to make using a whittling set for beginners easy and comfortable for you. That’s why we put everything our minds can come up with into those sets. In BeaverCraft you can find any kind of set, we even have some that include sandpaper, stropping accessories, the wood itself, carving patterns, and finishing materials such as wax and paint. Hopefully, these things will become your whittling set for beginners inspiration and you’ll appreciate our effort in welcoming you to the carving community.

Getting a whittling set for beginners carving

You might be asking yourself now «Where can I get a whittling set for beginners near me?» – BeaverCraft has thought about this too. Mostly we work online and we’ve got worldwide delivery to get your package sent to you wherever you are. However, in some places, we’ve got local distributors and now we’re working on getting our products to Walmart as well. We work with various online shopping platforms so you won’t be lost in that matter at all. And if you have any questions – contact us right away, we’ll help you through it.

where to buy whittling set

Certainly, online shopping can be tiring and confusing, that’s why we worked hard to make our website easy and understandable so you could easily find what you need. We’re also always ready to reach out in case anybody has trouble. That’s why we want you to know – BeaverCraft is ready to help and make the process as stressless as possible.

For example, BeaverCraft’s whittling sets for beginners UK can be found both online and offline through some of our offline partners. If you’re now interested in getting the tools from the store itself, check out our UK page to find out where the distributor store is located. We’re constantly developing and seeking more opportunities to make whittling and getting BeaverCraft instruments easier for everybody. Try our whittling set for beginners and enter the whittling world effortlessly and with great pleasure!


Roman Law

Wood carving guru

From a childhood enchanted by nature, my passion for wood carving guided me on a path of creativity. With a pocket knife, I uncovered the transformative power of my hands, breathing life into driftwood and forging a lifelong connection with the medium.
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03 Feb 2025 BeaverCraft Team

That’s great to hear you’re diving into carving! For sharpening your gouges, we recommend using a sharpening stone or diamond file. The key is to maintain the correct angle (around 20 degrees) when sharpening. It’s also helpful to use a strop for polishing the edge after sharpening. Make sure to gently stroke the blade on the stone in a forward motion, not back and forth, to keep the edge intact. For gouges, focus on sharpening both the inside curve and the outer edge. You can also watch some sharpening tutorials on our YouTube channel for step-by-step guidance. Enjoy your carving journey, and feel free to reach out if you need more tips!

03 Feb 2025 David cruz

Aunque ya tengo tiempo trabajando la madera me estoy adentrando en el tallado de la misma , de hecho acabo de encargar un par de gubias, que espero no tarden mucho en llegar ,😁 me agradaría me mandarán información de como poder afilar las mismas. Gracias

11 Nov 2024 BeaverCraft Team

Thanks for your feedback! We’re always looking to expand the variety of tutorials we offer. Crosses, stars, and nativity sets are great ideas for the holidays, and we’ll definitely consider them for future content. We want to provide a balance of designs for all tastes, so we appreciate your input!

11 Nov 2024 Andrew A Brimmer
Why don’t you show tutorials of carving crosses or stars for Christmas ornaments or nativity sets instead of always demonic wood sprites
19 Sep 2024 BeaverCraft Team

We currently provide information in English, but you can easily translate the page using your browser’s translation tool. Thanks for your understanding! 😊

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Terms & Conditions

BeaverCraft Company guarantees that:

Each tool is tested and undergoes strict quality control. Our tools are professionally-sharpened and come razor-sharp ready to use right out of the box. Every instrument has a sturdy construction, and its blade is securely glued and firmly attached to the handle. The tool blade is made of hardenable carbon steel and hardened to 56+ HRC. Our tools will not break if appropriately used (only for wood carving jobs).

The warranty does not cover the following cases:

Normal wear and tear of the product. Each customer should independently maintain the sharpness of the purchased tool. Loss of sharpness during operation is not a reason for the repair or replacement of the tool manufactured by BeaverCraft. Misuse or abuse. BeaverCraft tools are designed for hand carving only. Lack of maintenance and cleaning (learn about tool care). Defects resulting from incorrect tool storage are not reasons for replacement. Self-repair, modification, disassembly, and other human behavior that causes damage. Tool loss.

Return/Replacement Policy

Please contact our customer service team if any BeaverCraft tool has failed due to manufacturing defects or doesn't match the listing description. Let us know what happened; attach a picture of the instrument that clearly shows the problem, and describe how you used the tool. We also require further information, such as your contact details which include the following: your name, phone number, address, and email address that you can send to We will replace the tool with a new one at our own expense and pay all the shipping costs.

Awareness Statement

The ten years guarantee applies only to wood carving tools from BeaverCraft. Always pay extreme attention when unpacking, using, or sharpening any of our tools. BeaverCraft tools are not designed as weapons and should never be used as such. Injuries occurring during the careless use or improper maintenance of BeaverCraft tools are a risk that our customers are aware of. You should never forget safety precautions and follow the correct procedure for using wood carving tools. Children should not use BeaverCraft tools without adult supervision.

this is just a warning
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